Everyday foods you didn’t know could kill you

Everyday foods you didn’t know could kill you
Slide 5 of 31: Considered a delicacy in Japan, this fish is extremely poisonous (10,000 times more poisonous than cyanide, as per the Guardian). Specialty chefs need to have a license in order to prepare the dangerous fish.You may also like:
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Slide 1 of 31: Potatoes, beans, tomatoes, tuna—
wouldyou believe that these everyday food items could lead to your death?! This gallery will certainly have you rethinking your grocery shopping list. Click through for a shocking look at potentially lethal foods. You may also like: Celebrities who had their secrets spilled by employees.
Potatoes, beans, tomatoes, tuna—would you believe that these everyday food items could lead to your death?! This gallery will certainly have you rethinking your grocery shopping list. Click through for a shocking look at potentially lethal foods. You may also like: Celebrities who had their secrets spilled by employees
Slide 6 of 31: A Canadian study by McMaster University found that margarine increased mortality rates by 34%!Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 2 of 31: Watch out if you see green on your potatoes. This could be a sign that the potato is producing a toxin known as solanine that can be very harmful or even fatal if you eat enough of it.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Watch out if you see green on your potatoes. This could be a sign that the potato is producing a toxin known as solanine that can be very harmful or even fatal if you eat enough of it. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 7 of 31: The Chubby Bunny challenge includes stuffing as many marshmallows into your mouth as possible and can lead to choking and death.You may also like: Man behind the myth: Little-known facts about Bob Dylan
Slide 3 of 31: Ingesting a significant quantity of this spice can lead to a condition known as nutmeg psychosis, which can kill you.You may also like: The most iconic stars of the silent film era
Ingesting a significant quantity of this spice can lead to a condition known as nutmeg psychosis, which can kill you. You may also like: The most iconic stars of the silent film era
Slide 8 of 31: Mercury poisoning is very possible if you excessively consume tuna, so monitor your intake.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 4 of 31: While the stalks are perfectly safe, beware of the leaves. They contain oxalic acid and can be fatal if you digest enough of it.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
While the stalks are perfectly safe, beware of the leaves. They contain oxalic acid and can be fatal if you digest enough of it. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 9 of 31: Raw bean sprouts, sometimes used as a salad topper, are actually a very risky food to eat. They are a breeding ground for bacteria, including E. coli, salmonella, and listeria.You may also like: The visionary world of Elon Musk
Considered a delicacy in Japan, this fish is extremely poisonous (10,000 times more poisonous than cyanide, as per the Guardian). Specialty chefs need to have a license in order to prepare the dangerous fish. You may also like: The most unusual places that people call home
Slide 10 of 31: Cooking your chicken thoroughly is very important—meaning you shouldn’t see any pink. Raw chicken can contain salmonella, which can lead to death. Chicken, unfortunately, has also been part of some contaminated food scandals in the US.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
A Canadian study by McMaster University found that margarine increased mortality rates by 34%! Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 11 of 31: This pepper, which is 400 times hotter than Tobasco, is so spicy that it can cause seizures or even a heart attack! However, that doesn’t mean you should lay off the spicy food in general, as it may actually help you to live longer.You may also like: Historical events that nobody can explain
The Chubby Bunny challenge includes stuffing as many marshmallows into your mouth as possible and can lead to choking and death. You may also like: Man behind the myth: Little-known facts about Bob Dylan
Slide 12 of 31: Bacon and other processed meats have been linked to cancer.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Mercury poisoning is very possible if you excessively consume tuna, so monitor your intake. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Bean sprouts
Slide 13 of 31: Cherry pits contain cyanide, which can be fatal!You may also like: Then and now: Hollywood’s most iconic child stars
Raw bean sprouts, sometimes used as a salad topper, are actually a very risky food to eat. They are a breeding ground for bacteria, including E. coli, salmonella, and listeria. You may also like: The visionary world of Elon Musk
Slide 14 of 31: Also known as cassava root, yuca is a staple in many Latin American dishes. However if it’s not prepared properly, the cyanide found on an unprocessed bitter cassava could kill you.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Cooking your chicken thoroughly is very important—meaning you shouldn’t see any pink. Raw chicken can contain salmonella, which can lead to death. Chicken, unfortunately, has also been part of some contaminated food scandals in the US. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Ghost pepper
Slide 15 of 31: Some people drink raw milk straight from the cow. This is a major hazard, as unpasteurized milk can lead to deadly infections, such as E. coli and listeria.You may also like: Famous movies you didn’t know had sequels
This pepper, which is 400 times hotter than Tobasco, is so spicy that it can cause seizures or even a heart attack! However, that doesn’t mean you should lay off the spicy food in general, as it may actually help you to live longer. You may also like: Historical events that nobody can explain
Slide 16 of 31: If unpasteurized, honey contains poisonous toxins that can be lethal.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Bacon and other processed meats have been linked to cancer. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 17 of 31: Shellfish is a very common and potentially fatal allergy.You may also like: The short life of James Dean
Cherry pits contain cyanide, which can be fatal! You may also like: Then and now: Hollywood’s most iconic child stars
Slide 18 of 31: While mushrooms are common in soups and other dishes, some wild mushrooms can actually be highly poisonous.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Also known as cassava root, yuca is a staple in many Latin American dishes. However if it’s not prepared properly, the cyanide found on an unprocessed bitter cassava could kill you. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 19 of 31: Bitter almonds undergo a rigorous process for safe consumption. Otherwise, the cyanide they contain in their raw form could lead to death.You may also like: Musical couples who broke up after their duets
Some people drink raw milk straight from the cow. This is a major hazard, as unpasteurized milk can lead to deadly infections, such as E. coli and listeria. You may also like: Famous movies you didn’t know had sequels
Slide 20 of 31: The oil comes from the castor bean plant, which contains a highly potent toxin known as ricin.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
If unpasteurized, honey contains poisonous toxins that can be lethal. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 21 of 31: The cinnamon challenge, involving swallowing a spoonful of the spice, was another internet sensation. It can lead to difficulty breathing, choking, or even a collapsed lung.You may also like: Famous figures whose family members survived the Holocaust
Shellfish is a very common and potentially fatal allergy. You may also like: The short life of James Dean
Slide 22 of 31: Raw kidney beans contain phytohaemagglutinin, which can make you seriously ill and even lead to hospitalization.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
While mushrooms are common in soups and other dishes, some wild mushrooms can actually be highly poisonous. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 23 of 31: Hot dogs are a major choking hazard for kids under the age of 10.You may also like: The psychology behind why people hate certain celebrities
Bitter almonds undergo a rigorous process for safe consumption. Otherwise, the cyanide they contain in their raw form could lead to death. You may also like: Musical couples who broke up after their duets
Castor oil
Slide 24 of 31: Another very common food allergy, peanuts can induce anaphylaxis, leading to trouble breathing, shock, and even loss of consciousness.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
The oil comes from the castor bean plant, which contains a highly potent toxin known as ricin. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 25 of 31: Make sure to cook eggs thoroughly, as raw eggs can also contain salmonella.You may also like: Famous figures who may never have actually existed
The cinnamon challenge, involving swallowing a spoonful of the spice, was another internet sensation. It can lead to difficulty breathing, choking, or even a collapsed lung. You may also like: Famous figures whose family members survived the Holocaust
Kidney beans
Slide 26 of 31: Lima beans are another legume that must be cooked thoroughly. The raw version contains linamarin, which turns into cyanide when consumed.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Raw kidney beans contain phytohaemagglutinin, which can make you seriously ill and even lead to hospitalization. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Hot dog
Slide 27 of 31: This traditional Korean dish involves eating a moving octopus! While the animal is dead when served, nerve activity causes the slimy critter to wiggle around posthumously. The active suction cups can get stuck in the throat and cause choking if consumed.You may also like: What are the Mysteries of the Rosary?
Hot dogs are a major choking hazard for kids under the age of 10. You may also like: The psychology behind why people hate certain celebrities
Slide 28 of 31: This fruit, native to West Africa, contains toxins that can lead to death if not fully ripened before consumption.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Another very common food allergy, peanuts can induce anaphylaxis, leading to trouble breathing, shock, and even loss of consciousness. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 29 of 31: Native to Brazil, the fruit has sharp internal spines that can lodge themselves into your tongue, gums, and upper palate. Once stuck, they are extremely painful and difficult to remove. You may also like: Royal kids just being kids
Make sure to cook eggs thoroughly, as raw eggs can also contain salmonella. You may also like: Famous figures who may never have actually existed
Lima beans
Slide 30 of 31: While tomatoes are perfectly safe to consume, watch out for the stem and leaves as they contain alkali poisons. To be fatal, you’d have to eat a lot. Not to mention, they may be staining your teeth.Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Lima beans are another legume that must be cooked thoroughly. The raw version contains linamarin, which turns into cyanide when consumed. Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
Slide 31 of 31: To make sure you have interesting, funny and exclusive content on your MSN home page, follow us and access new galleries every day!Follow us and access great exclusive content everyday
This traditional Korean dish involves eating a moving octopus! While the animal is dead when served, nerve activity causes the slimy critter to wiggle around posthumously. The active suction cups can get stuck in the throat and cause choking if consumed. You may also like: What are the Mysteries of the Rosary?