
4 medical Problems that can be prevented by drinking lime water regularly

4 medical Problems that can be prevented by drinking lime water regularly

You’ve probably heard the advice to flavor your water with a slice of fresh lemon. But have you ever been given a glass of lime-flavored water? likely not.

Lime water is a fantastic substitute for sugary beverages and, as an added bonus, it has several health advantages.

According to Healthline & WebMD, here are 4 medical conditions that can be prevented by taking like water regularly:

1. Diabetes

Low in carbohydrates are limes. They are therefore great for diabetics as they are unlikely to result in a surge in blood sugar.

Lime juice is a strong source of vitamin C, and there is some evidence that this vitamin may help control blood sugar levels before and after meals.

Lime water is a fantastic alternative to sweet sodas. Even without the blood sugar surge, you can still get a rush of citrus flavor. Additionally, drinking lime water will keep you hydrated, which supports your body’s ability to control blood sugar levels.

2. Kidney stones

Despite their modest size, kidney stones are very painful. When your urine contains high concentrations of minerals like calcium, these tiny crystals begin to develop in your kidneys.

Lime juice could be useful in that situation. Citrus fruits, such as limes, are natural sources of dietary citrate, which can increase urine citrate levels and aid in the prevention of kidney stones, according to research.

3. Heart problem

Citrus flavonoids, which are included in fruits, may enhance your heart health, according to a 2019 review. These flavonoids can lower blood lipid levels, inflammation, and oxidative stress. And all that goodness guards against cardiovascular disease for your body.

Lime juice’s vitamin C may also help decrease blood pressure. That’s significant since heart disease is a risk factor for high blood pressure.

4. Foodborne illnesses

Lime and other citrus fruits may aid in the prevention of foodborne infections. Citrus may help shield the body from Helicobacter pylori, a type of bacterium that may cause anything from stomach ulcers and salmonella to cancer, according to a 2017 analysis.

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