Nobody Will Tell You This For Free: Boil Lemongrass For 10 Minutes And Drink To Enjoy These Benefits

Nobody Will Tell You This For Free: Boil Lemongrass For 10 Minutes And Drink To Enjoy These Benefits
Have you heard of Lemongrass before? Well, I will not be surprised if your answer is No. You’ve probably seen it but because you have hardly any insight into its health benefits, your conscious mind has failed to upload details about it to your subconscious mind for storage.
After reading this article, you will circumvent the back of your house or to your school field to search for this powerful grass.
All in all, what makes Lemon Grass special?
Genuinely, lemongrass is exceptionally special and powerful but most Ghanaians don’t realize it due to modern ways of treating diseases. Also known as Cymbopogon, this grass is a perennial tropical plant belonging to the family of grass called Poaceae.
It is widely known across the world due to its great medicinal purposes. It also has a great nutritional profile and houses a number of the vital plant compound. More importantly, the grass is known to have antioxidants, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.
The most effective method to make healthy lemongrass drink:
In Thai, grass serves as a typical ingredient in the kitchen and also for combating bugs. While it is popularly known as Lemongrass, there are other names or nicknames which also broadens globally as well. A portion of these names include barbed wire grass, silky heads, Cochin grass, Malabar grass, oily heads, citronella grass or fever grass.
What did you notice about the names? Nothing right, check the last nickname again, what reflects into your mind?
In fact, the benefits of this herb or plant are extremely promising and we will take a gander at some of them but before them let us take a gander at how to prepare it for consumption. Across, the world, one of the most efficient way to utilize this herb is turning it into a herbal tea, so let perceive how we can do that.
The most effective method to Make Lemongrass Tea: 10 Steps
How To Make Lemongrass Tea For Powerful Benefits?
1. Dried lemongrass
2. Water
After obtaining your ingredients, you may want to put about 2-4 teaspoons of fresh dried lemongrass into a clean pot or container. Add one cup of water to it and allow it to boil. After boiling for about 10 minutes, steep it and strain the juicy part of it to make your tea.
Now, your herbal tea is ready. You can serve it hot or chilled by taking it on more than one occasion per day.
The Benefits Of Drinking The Tea:
14 Amazing Health Benefits Of Lemongrass Tea – How To Prepare
1. It can reduce the risk of menstrual pain, bloating and other stomach disorders.
2. It is really great for the individuals who want to get more fit
3. It has the capabilities to control cholesterol level.
4. People dealing with high blood pressure can use it for their benefit
5. It reduces the risk of cancer and digestive problems
6. It can fix other infections including influenza, cold, flatulence and more.
Potential side effect:
Indeed, lemongrass is exceptionally beneficial but not for all. As such, we advise people dealing with the below problems to stay away from it or counsel their doctor before using it due to underlined side impacts.
i. If you are suffering from dizziness
ii. Dry mouth
iii. Increases urination and craving