
7 arrested for allegedly killing 2 over witchcraft accusation

7 arrested for allegedly killing 2 over witchcraft accusation

A/R: Mother And Son Killed In A Vehicular Knockdown At Asokore Mampong(PHOTOS)


Seven people are in the grips of the police for their alleged involvement in the killing of an old man and woman.

The duo were branded as witches in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region.

The accused persons were forced by a fetish priest under the instruction of some community members to drink some concoctions to prove their innocence.

However, the old man died instantly and the old woman a day after taking the unknown substance.

The police say they are still on the manhunt for other suspects.

Meanwhile, the District Chief Executive for Talensi District, Thomas Wuni Pearson, says he is surprised by the incident and will follow up with the police.

The news on 7 arrested for allegedly killing 2 over witchcraft accusation, first appeared on

Filasco News

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