6 Health Benefits of Mixing Honey with Warm Water

6 Health Benefits of Mixing Honey with Warm Water
Honey is undoubtedly civilization’s original sweetener that still enjoys wide recognition in the world today due to its versatility and uses in both medicine and nutrition. It is a golden liquid produced when bees extract a sugary liquid called nectar from flowering plants. It is made up of 70-80 percent sugar; with the rest of its constituents being water, minerals, and protein. Whether in its raw or pasteurized form, honey has been a mainstay of the human diet for ages and has also been used for its medicinal properties such as healing burns and wounds.
Apart from being a useful tool in medicine, it is also rich in essential vitamins such as ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, and riboflavin; as well as important minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. These nutrients found in honey bestow on it many of its healing properties and when combined with water, another natural resource that the human race cannot do without, the result could even be of greater dimension.
When honey is mixed with warm water and then consumed, the mixture has been found to confer on the body some health benefits which would be addressed in this writeup. Some of the possible health benefits you can derive when you mix honey with warm water are briefly examined below:
1. Cough and Throat Infection
It is quite normal to contract cough or certain throat infections at certain periods during a calendar year, especially during the rainy or cold season. However, honey could help fight such coughs and throat infections because it contains antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that enable it to fight against coughs.
2. Weight Loss
Honey is considered a natural sweetener that can replace sugar in many of our meals. Its amino acids, minerals, and vitamin constituents also help in the absorption of fat and cholesterol which in turn help to lose weight. It is recommended to drink a mixture of honey and warm water on an empty stomach for this purpose.
3. Cleaner, Clearer Skin
Honey also helps to preserve the skin and make it clean and clear because of its antibacterial properties and when combined with lemon, it could also help to purify the blood and also boosts blood cell production in the body.
4. Improved Immune System
Since honey contains a high concentration of minerals, enzymes, and vitamins, it can help to boost the immune system as these nutrients, especially its ascorbic acid composition helps to protect the body against bacteria and free radicals that might want to attack certain components of the body. For a greater effect, it is recommended to be consumed with warm water.
5. Improved Digestion
Mixing honey with warm water may also help to boost the digestion of foods by easing the passage of foods in the gastrointestinal tract. It can also help to neutralize gases produced in the body.
6. Soothes Allergies
Honey has historically been used for treating certain allergies in humans and mixing warm water with honey can help keep the body hydrated. Honey has also been used to treat certain seasonal allergies and when it doesn’t cure such allergies completely, it often reduces the allergic symptoms.