TWO Nigerian She-Males busted in Accra, their stuffs gone viral(VIDEO)

TWO Nigerian She-Males busted in Accra, their stuffs gone viral(VIDEO)
Two She-Males from Nigeria have been busted in Accra while in the act.
The two, Itz Lomochi and Kerin Cedano were apprehended by suspicious neighbours in a hostel in Accra while engaging themselves in the act.
Since their arrest by the people, videos on their phones and laptops have gone viral on all social media platforms.
Shemale, also she man is a term most commonly used to describe trans women or other people with male genitalia and female secondary sex characteristics (including breasts) acquired via hormones or surgery.
Many people in the transgender community consider the term offensive and degrading.
Using the term shemale for a trans woman may imply that she is working in the sex trade.
The term shemale has been used since the mid-19th century, when it was a humorous colloquialism for female, especially an aggressive woman.
Due to its sexul content, the video cannot be dropped here.
But, you can click HERE to watch in full if interested.
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