B/R: Court Sentences Hairdresser who stabbed lover to death over Grasscutter Soup(PHOTOS)

B/R: Court Sentences Hairdresser who stabbed lover to death over Grasscutter Soup(PHOTOS)
Twenty Seven years old Hairdresser, has been sentenced for stabbing to death her boyfriend at Abessim over Grasscutter Soup.
The Police at Abesim in the Sunyani Municipality have arrested Hilda Asumani Embro, a 27 year old hairdresser, for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend, Prince Yaw Aboagye, to death.
The duo, according to reports, have been in a relationship for about six years.
Some co-tenants said that the lovebirds had engaged in series of unprovoked quarrels for some time now over suspected infidelity on the man’s part.
Hilda seized Prince’s phone later and that led to a squabble which was later resolved though she refused to give him back his phone.
Police sources indicated that the two lovebirds engaged in another fight after the deceased denied the suspect a grass cutter meal that he was enjoying on Monday evening.
The deceased, 30, is said to have suffered multiple wounds on his neck and chin after Hilda allegedly stabbed him four times with scissors.
The case was presided over by Her ladyship, Justice Mavis Akua Ando Esq.
After the statements of both parties on 26/7/2022, Justice Akua Ando sentenced the 27 year old woman, Hilda Asomani Embro into prison for Ten(10) years with hard labour.
SOURCE: K DEE(KumasiFM)/Filasconews.com