Rev. Ministers War: “You’re a Catalyst of Entertainment and Hedonistic…. Clergy replies Rev. Eastwood Anaba

Religious Leaders War: “You’re a Catalyst of Entertainment and Hedonistic…. Clergy replies Rev. Eastwood Anaba
Christianity In Ghana, Apologise To The Historical And Biblical Christian Churches You Ridiculed, If You Are Honest.
Clergy Replies Rev. Eastwood Anaba.
You are now trying to subtly clean the mess you created in Christianity.
Authentic Christianity lies in its biblicism, history and traditions. Paul said, what I received I pass on to you, pass it on to others until Christ returns.
Anytime you witness new movement, preacher or group of people trying to correct, teach or redirect the traditional Christian churches’ practices, one should acknowledge that strange fire is being lit up on the fathers’ ancient holy altars.
Rev. Eastwood Anaba is a patriarch of: boisterous church services, ecstatic prayers, modern false prophecies, gospelesess church music, dance, jamps, screaming, abuse of sacred elements, social gospel, spiritual compromise and preaching outside the Bible etc.
He is a fragment of the tele-evangelists, who have removed and defiled the ancient landmarks of Christianity: no gospel, scriptures, repentance, salvation, Christ, godliness, regeneration centered preaching and ministry.
He ridiculed the traditional Christian churches, who had stayed true to the true faith.
All the unorthodoxical forms of Christian practices (eg_ monotonous rhythmic prayer marathon phenomena in Ghana among the campus churchgoers) stemed from Rev. Eastwood Anaba’s leadership!
He should have raised this issue with a profuce apology (for pioneering such a pernicious gullibility) to the Christendom in Ghana! He is a father of entertainment and Hydonistic Christianity in Ghana and beyond!
Rev. Eastwood Anaba’s sudden u-turn criticism on entertainment Christianity without admition of personal contribution is a lack of integrity on his part.
Rev. Emmanuel Boachie, COUNTRY DIRECTOR of Awsome Bible College and HEADPASTOR of Souls’ Pasture Asuofua-ACHIASE, Kumasi.
+233 (0) 240 37 59 59.