12 Important Health Benefits of Guava

12 Important Health Benefits of Guava
Guava fruits are called the queen of all fruits because of their high level of medicinal value. Any 100 grams serving of guava fruit contains 68 calories and 8.92 grams of sugar. It is also rich in calcium and contains 18 grams of minerals for every 100 grams. This shows that the fruit has the capability to aid in different diseases. However, in order for you to have more insight into the topic, let’s take a peek into the health benefits of guava.
1. Guava helps boost your immunity
Guava is rich in vitamin C and is said to contain four times the content of vitamin C found in oranges. Vitamin C helps boost immunity levels that prepare your body to fight common infections and pathogens. Also, more vitamin C helps in good eyesight.
2. May reduce the risk of developing Cancer
Vitamin C, lycopene and other types of polyphenols act as antioxidants that help in neutralising infections in the body that prevent the growth of cancerous cells. Guava fruit has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and also prevents the growth of breast cancer cells.
3. Helps to manage blood sugar levels
Guava has a high content of fibre and glycaemic index that helps prevent the development of diabetes. You may refer to Glycemic Index Food Chart to find out the GIs of other foods and modify your diet accordingly. Fibre content regulates blood sugar levels from spiking, while glycemic index also restricts your blood sugar to rise at a short.
4. Guavas help in keeping your heart healthy
Guava contains high amounts of sodium and potassium that helps the body to balance and regulate high blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension. Guavas help in reducing cholesterol that is one of the primary reasons for heart diseases. However, this fruit increases the levels of good cholesterol and substitutes this with bad cholesterol.
5. Helps during constipation
Guavas contain high amounts of good dietary fibre when compared to other fruits. One guava a day contains 12 per cent of fibre intake that makes it highly beneficial for digestive health. It also helps in healthy bowel movements. This reduces your risk of constipation.
6. Helps in better eyesight
Guava fruit contains vitamin A that helps boost an individual’s eyesight. Eating guava not only prevents bad eyesight but also prevents you from developing cataracts and macular degeneration.
7. Guava is an anti-stress agent
Guava contains magnesium in the fruit that helps relax your muscles and nerves. So, this means that after a hard workout or a long day at the office, you need just one guava to get you relaxed. This fruit helps you combat stress and provides a good energy boost to your system.
8. Guava helps women during pregnancy
Guavas benefit pregnant women such that it contains folic acid and vitamin B-9 which is recommended to be given for women since it helps in developing the baby’s nervous system and protects the baby from neurological disorders.
9. One of the best solutions for toothaches
Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory action and antibacterial ability that fights infections and kills germs and people consuming guava leaves at home will help curb toothaches. The juice from the guava leaves is also said to provide relief from swollen gums and oral ulcers.
10. Aids in weight loss
If you are a fitness enthusiast, or if you feel that you are on the heavier side, then you need to eat guava that aids in weight loss. Guava regulates your body’s metabolism. Raw guava is said to have less sugar when compared to apples, grapes and oranges.
11. Helps in cold & cough
Guava has a very high content of vitamin C and iron when compared to other fruits. However, guava is proven to prevent you from getting a bad cold or any viral infection. The juice from raw guavas is very beneficial in curing cough and cold. It gets rid of the mucus and disinfects the respiratory tract, throat and lungs.
12. May help with menstruation pain
Many women experience bad and painful cramps as period symptoms. There is a study that suggests guava leaf extract can help reduce the pain during menstruation. This study involved 197 women consuming the guava leaf extract (6 mg) and found that it greatly helped in reducing the pain and that it works better than many painkillers as well!
Benefits of guava leaves
We all depend on western medicine for simple problems like fever, cold, cough etc. But, don’t forget that guava leaves are very healthy too. If guava fruit is healthy, then its leaves are super healthy. Here are some of the benefits of guava leaves that you need to know.
Helps in stopping diarrhoea
Hells reduce cholesterol levels
Helps in losing weight
helps to manage blood sugar levels
Helps to fights cancer
Helps in good vision
Used for healing acne
Helps in improving your skin texture
Note: Guava leaves can either be boiled in hot water and consumed or made tea using them. Either of these will benefit you in many ways.
Guava leaves for healthy hair
Hair fall is a result of an unhealthy scalp. Guava leaves can help stop hair fall and strengthen your scalp because of their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It is also being used in scalp related problems and dandruff.
It is also rich in vitamin B & C that helps in nourishing and aids in hair growth. So if you have a guava tree in your garden, then don’t pile up those leaves or burn it, instead make it a point to make a paste out of it and gently apply it on your scalp. This will fight hair fall and help strengthen your scalp.
Benefits of guava leaves tea
If green tea is considered healthy and ayurvedic, then guava leaf tea is even healthier and this can be consumed if you are having abdominal pain, watery stools etc. All you need to do is to add guava leaves to boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Then strain the water and allow it to cool for 5 minutes. Make sure it is at least lukewarm when you are consuming it. Also, this must be consumed on an empty stomach and you may find instant relief once you’ve followed the steps carefully.consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.