Kumasi coffin makers threaten demonstration over poor sales, high cost of materials

Kumasi coffin makers threaten demonstration over poor sales, high cost of materials
Coffin makers in Ashanti Regional Capital Kumasi have threatened to block roads in the region with Coffins to protest against the government if it fails to address their grievances.
The coffin manufacturers have lamented over the skyrocketing cost of coffin materials on the market and poor sales in recent times
The leader of the Coffin Manufacturers in Kumasi Asafo Mr Akwasi Baafi speaking in an interview with AMBASSADOR TV hosted by Osei Kwadwo and monitored by MyNewsGh explained that the “increasing cost of Coffin materials is seriously affecting the manufacturing of coffin which is making some people closing down their shops. There is also the issue of poor sales”
According to Him “Coffin materials such as nails, wood and others have increased by over 50 percent”
“Despite all the price increment, it is difficult to get some of the wood to manufacture the coffins. Sometimes we have to go to Kumasi wood village around 3 am just to fight for wood else you have no option than close your shop” he explained.
“It seems the government is not ready to address our grievances but we are tired of going through stress just to get our daily bread. Government should start regulating coffin materials because the price of the materials are not stable always” he added
Mr Akwasi Baafi added “We will embark on a massive demonstration against the government and we will block some roads in Kumasi with coffins”
“Since what the government understands is demonstrations then we are ready to demonstrate till we achieve good results” he added.
Source: Mynewsgh
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