Use Turkey Berry to cure these 3 dangerous diseases

Use Turkey Berry to cure these 3 dangerous diseases
The Turkey berry is a plant found in West Africa that bears small green fruits. The seeds of this fruit look like eggplant but become dry and hardened if not harvested earlier. It is a biennial crop that may last for a year or two.
In Ghana, people use the plant to prepare stew, light, and palm nut soup. Also known as Kwahu Nsusua, the fruits do not have great taste but people are usually compelled to take them due to their numerous health benefits.
Whereas people take the fruits for their health benefits, others are also advised to take them to cure some diseases. There is a popular belief that you will not find a modern drug that outperforms this plant in curing certain diseases. Below are three diseases you can treat with turkey berry.
This plant is known in Ghana as the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ blood tonic. Since members of the JW church do not take blood transfusions, they take this plant when they are suffering from anemia or any disease that causes blood shortage.
The plant is the number one name on the market when you need to increase red blood cell production. It treats anemia better than most blood tonics. Just boil the leaves and drink the decoction or simply eat the fruits daily.
Turkey berries are also known to lower blood pressure levels significantly. The plant acts as a blood thinner and removes plaque build-up in the blood vessels and allows the free flow of blood. It lowers blood pressure. You can consume it with garlic for a better result.
Those whose bodies can no longer process sugar should turn to this powerful plant. It is one of the best herbs to reduce blood sugar levels. You can use it alongside mango leaves for the best results.
There is no need to buy this fruit every day from the market. You just need one seed. Plant it in your backyard and it will serve you for two years.