KUMASI AGAIN: Leæk Video of SHS students “Heating” in class(Guess the school) – WATCH

KUMASI AGAIN: Leæk Video of SHS students “Heating” in class(Guess the school) – WATCH
The Greater Kumasi has done it again after viral videos of nurses and their partners.
Another leæked video is Trending.
In this article nurses are not the focus but….Senior High school students.
In the viral video available with Filasconews.com, two students(male and female) in their uniforms were seen making l0ve.
The interesting part was that, the action took part in class, while their colleague record the act.
Looking closely at their uniforms, they are students of….(namewithheld).
Watch the video carefully and guess the school.
My dear readers and contributors, below is the video. WATCH.
Watch more leák here
SOURCE: Filasconews.com