
Why this confusion? Does Evans Nimako has that power of appointment?- NPP Communications Officer Spits Fire

Why this confusion? Does Evans Nimako has that power of appointment?- NPP Communications Officer Spits Fire

A meeting was chaired by Chairman Abronye DC and appointments were made in line with the Constitution of the New Patriotic Party and *Evans Nimako says what?*

Can Evans Nimako, an appointed National Officer issue a letter on behalf of the National Executive Committee to sabotage what our Regional Elected Officers have done? *( Quo warranto, meaning, with Which Authority)*?

I think that it is one of those ploys to sabotage Chairman Abronye.

Not Even the General secretary can do that *suo moto*

Can Evans Nimako do this in any of the Fifteen(15) Regions in Ghana, especially in Central Region including the Region he comes from?

Why is it that Bono has lost a total respect at the National Front by some unscrupulous persons?

Why are people arrogantly subverting the Constitution of the New Patriotic Party like that?

Is that the Busia Party in the Bono Region?

Are we learning at all from our experience in 2020 Elections in the Bono Region?


Maxwell Mahama(Mr.)- Communications Officer,Sunyani Writes

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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