Shops Dealing In Expired Products Shut Down By EHO, Owners To Face The Laws Of Ghana

Shops Dealing In Expired Products Shut Down By EHO, Owners To Face The Laws Of Ghana
Consuming expired products , including biscuits and others, have dire public health implications, as far as food poisoning is concerned.
Food poisoning is deemed to be one of the main problems in public health worldwide.
World Health Organisation (WHO) states that 600 million people around the world , or 1 out of 10 each year , become ill after consuming contaminated food.
Prior to this, the Law enforcement officers has shut down shops at Adabokrom in Bia East.
This exercise was carried on particularly to check on expired products sold to consumers at the area.
District director for Bia East Environmental Health and Sanitation, Mr. Francis Osorode Akwasi , ceased expired products and those culprits will be process to face the law.
Mr. Francis Osorode Akwasi therefore stated, those stores will be closed down for breaching the Municipal by – laws.
Credit: Yesu Suani Kwabena Mathew