Don’t Throw The Seeds Of This Fruit Away, Checkout The Surprising Benefits

Don’t Throw The Seeds Of This Fruit Away, Check Out The Surprising Benefits
1. Powerful antioxidant.
Papaya seeds are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and saponins. They are strong antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from damage by free radicals, protecting us from a variety of diseases.
2. Healthy gut.
Papaya seeds are rich in fibre. They regulate our bowel movements, removing toxins from the body and thus maintaining a healthy gut. They are helpful in constipation. Carpaine present in papaya seeds kills bacteria and parasites in our intestines and thus keep our digestive system healthy.
3. Good for our skin.
Papaya seeds exhibit anti-ageing properties. They maintain the elasticity of our skin and thus prevent the development of fine lines and wrinkles.
4. Antibacterial
Papaya seeds protect our body from bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, etc.
5. Manage Liver Cirrhosis.
Papaya seeds have also been known to contain the vital nutrients necessary to help manage diseases like Liver cirrhosis. Consuming 3 to 4 papaya seeds, crushed and mixed with lime juice on a daily basis, can help in the treatment and recovery of liver cirrhosis.
6. Cures Food Poisoning.
Research has shown that preparing and consuming an extract of papaya seeds can help to successfully kill bacteria like E.coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, etc. which are responsible for most cases of food poisoning.
7. Supports Dengue Treatment
Dengue is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes, it affects the platelets in your blood and begins destroying healthy platelets too. Papaya seeds have been shown to improve platelet counts in animal studies. Hence, apart from the previous health benefits of papaya seeds, they can be also useful as a support for your dengue recovery.
8. May Help With Dandruff Control.
Dandruff usually has a fungal origin, particularly the Malassezia fungus. The papaya fruit and seeds have been shown to have strong antifungal properties. This may be useful when applied to the hair and scalp and reduce or prevent the development of dandruff. Use a hair pack or scrub that contains papaya seed extract to try this benefit out.
9. Lowers Cholesterol Levels.
Papaya seeds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid. These fatty acids regulate cholesterol levels by reducing bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol ). Papaya seeds are also rich in fibre. Fibre helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Thus, consuming papaya seeds helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels in our bodies.
10. Anti-cancer Properties.
Papaya seeds contain polyphenols that are powerful antioxidants. They prevent our body from different types of cancers. Papaya seeds also contain isothiocyanate, which inhibits the formation and development of cancer cells.
11. Nephroprotective.
Papaya seeds protect our kidneys from damage. Consumption of papaya seeds ensures the smooth functioning of our kidneys.
12. Maintains Cardiovascular Health.
Papaya seeds protect our hearts. These seeds are rich in various antioxidants that protect our bodies from free radical damage. They also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which protects our heart from various disorders.
13. Reduces inflammation.
Papaya seeds are proven to be effective in reducing inflammation. Papaya seeds are rich in vitamin C and compounds like alkaloids, flavonoids and polyphenols. All these compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. They are thus useful in preventing and reducing inflammation in diseases like gout, arthritis etc.