MENZGOLD: Good news as NAM1 promises to resolve Issues as soon as possible

MENZGOLD: Good news as NAM1 promises to resolve Issues as soon as possible
The owner of the defunct Menzgold company, Nana Appiah Mensah , popularly known as NAM1, has turned year older yesterday, May 16, 2022.
In celebration of his birthday Nana Appiah Mensah has shared a video on his official Instagram page.
The video shows NAM1 dressed in a dark-coloured suit and looking fresh as music played in the background.
He looked very nice in the video.
Sharing the video, NAM1 gave hope to aggrieved Menzgold customers stating that he is bent on fixing Menzgold as soon as possible.
He indicated that the love shown to him on his birthday is the motivating factor for him to fix the company like the speed of light.
He stated that the company will have a clean slate a year by now.
“A Knight templar is truly a fearless knight and secure on every side. For his soul is protected by an arm of faith, just as his body is protected by an arm of steel.
He is thus deeply armed and need fear neither demons nor men”. Behold! the light☀️ is reborn. Thanks to y’all for the best wishes. Y’all gives me an urge; a good reason to want to FIX Menzgold swiftly like the speed of light.
I’m motivated. God willing, we shall have clean slate a year by now. #GospelCrusader #GhanaShallProsper.”