


Abronye took over the Regional Chairmanship position around the middle of May, 2019. Before his assumption of office, the Regional Executives had a common platform where all necessary information concerning Regional Executives were shared.

Abronye started Regional tour when he took over the chairmanship position. The first visit was Sunyani East and Sunyani West. Almost all the Regional Executives were in attendance.

Seemingly, Abronye did not like the overwhelming attendance by the Regional Executives. He since created a platform dubbed ‘ Abronyecaucus’. Since then, all notices of visitation were put on his caucus platform.

This divisive leadership has continued till date.

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I will make available screenshots of the caucus platform and the members to you. One of the hallmarks of a good leader is the ability to resolve issues. It is disheartening to hear Abronye, the Bono Regional Chairman saying time and over that he has no time to solve problems.

The attitude of Abronye (chairman) left so many problems unresolved in the various constituencies and eventually led to the loss of our five (5) seats.

Regional Council of elders on two(2) occasions have attempted to resolve issues in the Party but the Regional Chairman unilaterally frustrated their efforts.

The first issue concerned Maxwell Mahama, the Sunyani East communication officer’s suspension. The Council of Elders amicably resolved whatever impasse was between Maxwell Mahama and the Regional Secretariat but Abronye singlehandedly disrespected the Council of Elders.

The second issue has to do with the current Court injunction on Sunyani East Elections. The Sunyani East Constituency Chairman who happens to be a member of the Sunyani East Elections Committee wrote to the Council of elders as directed by the High Court to seek out of court settlement of the case.

The Council of Elders in turn wrote to invite the party leadership to seek amicable resolution of the case but ‘Abronye’ the Regional chairman wrote to bastardize their effort.

Abronye does not only fail to solve problems, but creates problems himself which contributed to the loss of the seats.

It is on record that Abronye said Dormaa West seat is going back to NDC in the run up to the 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary General Elections. He sought to malign the then MP, Hon. Ali Miaga. He said on air that Hon. Ali Maiga has married seven (7) women and has bought expensive cars but when he was in opposition, he had one wife and was using a wretched Mahindra ( nonetheless, these were some baseless, unsubstantiated, lame and unsustainable accusations he made against the finest former Member of Parliament for Dormaa West.

This audio of Abronye the Regional Chairman was played on NDC local radio at Nkrankwanta to imply that Hon. Ali Maiga came to amass wealth but not to help the needy and due to that the New Patriotic Party lost the seat to the National Democratic Party in 2020.

Abronye was also heard on air referring to the people of Jaman South that they are nobody. This angered the Traditional leaders and the entire constituents which led to the overwhelming ‘skirt and blouse’* in the 2020 elections in the Jaman South Constituency.

Due to that the New Patriotic Party lost the Jaman South seat to the National Democratic Party( NDC).

Banda Traditional leaders staged a press conference that Abronye should apologize to them for uncivil comment made about them.

Recently, Abronye arrogantly insulted Osagyefo Oseadeyo Agyemang Badu at Hempon Hotel in a press conference simply because Nana who is the only PARAMOUNT CHIEF of the Dormaa Traditional Council has made comments about the government.

The whole Regional Chief Imam for the then Brong Ahafo Region was seriously attacked by Abronye DC.

It is notoriously known that the character of Abronye DC is a disrespect to the entire Bono Region.

It is undisputable fact that our Traditional leaders influence our elections albeit their neutrality in politics.

We therefore need a Chairman who has respect for our traditional leaders.

His medieval attitude of invoking curses and slaughtering sheep and pouring libation at cemetery put our party into disrepute. The New Patriotic Party is known for intellectuals and noble men.

Information from NDC camp indicates that, the NDC party will be able to retain the 5 seats they claimed from NPP and even win some targeted seats if Abronye is voted again as the Regional chairman.

They say this on the premise of his divisive leadership, reckless comments, unresolved internal wrangling within NPP in the Region and his unhealthy relationship with the Traditional leaders.

Since Abronye took over the Chairmanship position, there has not been a single Regional Executive meeting to deliberate on issues concerning our party in the Region.

Throughout 2022, Regional Executives have met twice, the first meeting was an information but not a decision to suspend Maxwell Mahama, the sunyani East Constituency communication Officer even though that matter has been settled by our hardworking Bono Regional Council of Elders and the second meeting was to suspend Jaman South constituency organizer.

Regional executives have not had the opportunity to make inputs or participate in the ongoing polling station, electoral area and the constituency elections.

Before the commencement of the polling station elections, ABRONYE convened Regional Executive Committee meeting which included Regional Executives, Constituency Chairmen and two(2) Members of Parliament, Hon. Ignatius Bafour Awuah and Hon. Ameyaw Cheremeh.

The purpose of the meeting was to announce to members the Regional Representatives for the various constituencies. He told the house that he has decided to use the various Constituency MMDCEs as the Regional representatives .

Mr Frank Musah Damtarl, Sunyani East Constituency chairman asked Abronye at that meeting whether the decision was the decision of the Regional Executives or his unilateral decision.

Abronye answered him that when National Steering Committee is dispatching representatives to the various regions, national executives do not meet to decide on that, but General secretary does it alone.

Hon. Ignatius Bafour Awuah suggested that since we have twelve(12) constituencies and sixteen (16) Regional Executives, the Regional executives should represent the Region in the various constituencies but this fell in the death ears of Abronye.

All the constituency chairmen opposed this unilateral decision from our Abronye but he was still obstinate.

The Constituency Chairmen further suggested that he should swap the MMDCEs such that no MMDCE supervises election in his Constituency as some of them have interest in their Constituency Elections but this too was not heeded to.

The upheaval and the many court cases that the Region is faced or facing is as a result of Abronye’s unilateral decisions and lack of meetings to address some of the issues.

During 2020 elections, Regional Executives last meeting was on 30th June, to assign Regional Executives to the various Constituencies to monitor the voter registration exercise towards 2020 elections.

However, Regional Elections Committee was launched by National Representatives which consisted of over thirty (30) Representatives with all caliber of persons. The Committee never met once to deliberate and strategize toward the election.

National gave the Bono Region four(4) pickups and Hon. Agyemang Mnau also donated one(1) additional pickup to enable the Regional Executives monitor the campaign in the Region. The pickups donated by Hon. Agyemang Manu was giving to the Regional Nasara coordinator. Abronye gave the other four (4) cars to his errand boys to form a convoy and blowing siren during the 2020 Elections leaving the other Regional Executives handicapped to embark on the campaign.

Up to date the vehicles are still with the Regional Chairman, yet he refers to others as being corrupt.

One can find out from other sister Regions, thus; Ahafo and Bono Regions, as to how many cars did National Headquarters of the New Patriotic Party gave to their Regions and who is keeping them.

Monies sent to the Region for Regional Executives to monitor the campaign was not given or disbursed as directed. Some executives were giving 1/10th of what they were supposed to receive, some were giving less than half and some were not giving at all.

This is just a tip of the iceberg


Thank you.

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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