
Muslim Youth Advised To Live In Peace With Others

Muslim Youth Advised To Live In Peace With Others

Youths, especially Muslim Youths have been advised to live in peace with their neighbours.

The Muslim Community Around the globe is today climaxing this year’s journey of continuous fasting as Muslim doctrine demands.

Ramadan is the most important month to Muslims, acting as a time of spiritual cleansing. The Ramadan is marked by reflection, worship, charity and community.

On this occasion, Ahalji Omar, who is the Vice President of National Council of Zongo Chief and President, Eastern Regional Council of Zongo Chiefs on this auspicious day, has expressed his goodwill to Muslims for their successful completion of the Ramadan fast.

However, he has warned Muslim youth to celebrate the Ramadan in moderation to mark the end of the 30-day fasting.

Alhaji Omar who is also the president of Akyem Abuakwa Council of Zongo Chiefs cautions them to avoid over-celebration and guard against unhealthy and risky behaviours that could end them up with problems.

Speaking to journalist Kaakyire Kwasi Afari, he said recurrence of reckless motor-riding by Muslim youth during the celebration ought to be avoided.

This attitude, he said had caused deaths and disabilities to many Muslim youth in previous celebrations after the annual spiritual exercise had ended.

Alhaji Omar observed that the Ramadan remained a holy period in Islam and advised Muslims all over to shun act of immorality in order not to waste the 30-day fast.

For the past two years he stressed that Ramadan activities were largely restricted due to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic.

On account of this, therefore, it is submitted that, much as the restrictions have been significantly relaxed, the youth still need to be health conscious and moderate in their celebrations.

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Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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