Jealous Dog Bites Its Owner For Engaging in D0ggy Style
It is still boggling the minds of many people as how a dog, develop hate for it owner, for engaging in a particular bedroom style.
Well, the owner of this dog, according to social media, where the video was posted is called, Mr. Ikeju Inareba, and the name of his dog is Wonke.
This man was enjoying himself ‘fine fine’ with a beautiful lady in his hall.
Wonke, being treated good by Ikeju, was also resting in the one by two chair in the hall.
Watching with ‘bonyo’ face, the dog lied down its head in the foamy chair, with one eye peeping.
Mr. Ikeju Inareba, wanting to feel like going to heaven changed his style.
The lady then migrated from ‘all fall down’ to ‘touchy doggy style’.
And this infuriated the dog, Wonke.
In the video circulating on social media, Wonke raised its head like black cobra, with it’s popping out.
As the movement goes on harder and smoother by it’s it’s, this dog went straight to its boss, bitting his heel and ankle to interrupt the game.
Indeed, it’s succeeded because the owner fell and couldn’t continue again.
So, how come, hmmmmm
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SOURCE: Filasconews.com/2022