Farmers Urged To Increase Cassava Yields With ETG Falcon Fertilizers
In the Offinso North District of the Ashanti Region, farmers and Farmer Based Organization (FBOs) have received training on the minimal introduction of ETG Falcon fertilizers into cassava production to boost yields for local consumption and industrial purposes.
This came to light when the Export Trading Group (ETG) importers of Falcon Fertilizers field team made a triumph entry into Akumadan to further the agenda of creating sustain impacts on the lives of farmers and spreading 360 degree happiness.
ETG Inputs Ghana Ltd in collaboration with District Agricultural Development Unit established a demonstration plot at the Akumadan irrigation site to promote correct and consistent use of ETG falcon Fertilizers and Agri inputs for increase yields and income.
In an interview with CRUZ 96.9 news, technical sales Agronomists for ETG Ghana Jonas Ayanore noted that the farmer field schools and learning plots are aimed at getting closer to the last mile usually the farmer(s) with education on the use of ETG Falcon fertilizers and Agri inputs for utmost results.
Lead farmer and secretary of the Konpia farmers association Nana Boateng express excitement about the intervention and their preparedness to share the knowledge with others farmers
In all over 30 male and female benefited from the training at planting and are expected to cascade same to their colleagues.