Full S€x Tape Of The Brekum Leak Out(WATCH VIDEO)
I’m publishing this article to deter other ladies, not to follow money and allow themselves to be video-taped or record their n@kedness to men for money.
Somewhere last week, this portal break the news of S€x for 500 cedis business in Brekum.
In the first video released by filasconews online, the lady agreed to do a naked video call by fingering herself for her business partners to enjoy.
The one available now, is also different lady Lady of the same town and group.
But, this lady agreed to have s€x with her business partner and collect the money.
Not wasting much time, let’s watch the video below.
Note, the terms and conditions of this Noble site does not permit such video content here due to its materials.
SOURCE: Filasconews.com/2022