The Sad End Of A Popular Ghanaian Slay Queen(PHOTOS)
A lady who is believed to be a slay queen is on the verge of dying after she contracted the deadly HIV/AIDS.
The Slay Queen in new trending photos looks lean after contracting the deadly HIV/AIDS.
Photos of a popular slay queen has been trending on the internet for quite a long time now. She looks very lean after she contracted the HIV/AIDS virus.
Many people believe she was into hookup and might have contracted the virus through such means.
The yet-to-be-known slay queen has got a tattoo on her skin and looks extremely weak, malnourished and at the verge of dying.
Her photos which have been shared across many portals is breaking the hearts of many and at the same time, cautioning up and coming slayers to desist from prostitution and hookup kinds of stuff.