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Becareful With Some Friends
Tears Flow As Rich Young Ghanaian Living Flashy Lifestyle Poisoned to Death by Jealous Friends
rich young ghanaian poisoned
A rich young Ghanaian man known as Moses Acolatse Seddoh Harlem has died in a shocking manner, allegedly after being poisoned.
Moses allegedly died after being poisoned by his own friends in a shocking manner.
He was reportedly rich beyond measure despite his young age of just 27.
Moses led a flashy life on social media, the Hushpuppi variety, consisting of flaunting cars and mansions he owned.
His flashy life eventually led to his death.
Jealous friends allegedly poisoned him during an outing, leading to his sad death.
Moses Acolatse Seddoh Harlem died at the start of the year but his story has now surfaced online.
A video on Tiktok revealed the extent of his flashy life, showing photos of him flaunting cars and one photo of him sitting before a wad of cash.
Watch the video