If you want to travel to Abroad check these 7 things before

If you want to travel to Abroad check these 7 things before
With the approaching Eid Al-Fitr, and the season of travel to spend the holiday abroad, the Qatar e-government portal (Hukoomi) called for checking 7 things before traveling outside the country.
The portal stated – on its official account on Twitter – that the 7 things are:
1- Travel documents Make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months, provided that all travel documents are with you at all times.
2- Itinerary Plan your trip before you travel to save time and money and make the most of your trip
3- Car Park your car in a safe and shaded place if you are traveling by plane, but if you are traveling by car, check the tires, water, fuel and temperature in your car.
4- At home, close all doors and unplug all unnecessary electrical appliances to avoid any risks
5- Bills Pay your electricity and water bills electronically to avoid any interruption in service
6- Money Try to keep at least one credit card with you and be sure to convert the currency before traveling if the currency of the country to which you will travel is available
7- Luggage packing Take with you what you deem necessary for your travel and avoid valuables
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