5 ways your body uses to warn you of impending stroke attack and foods to avoid

5 ways your body uses to warn you of impending stroke attack and foods to avoid
A stroke is one of the known medical emergencies in the world today and it occurs when the blood supply to certain parts of the brain is either reduced or hindered, thus preventing brain tissue from having access to their oxygen requirements, as well as other nutrients. This causes brain cells to start dying in a matter of a few minutes, with such damage capable of causing death or permanent disabilities.
Stroke is usually of two types, namely ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke is the more common one and usually occurs when the brain’s blood vessels become blocked or narrowed, thus reducing blood flow to the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, occurs when a blood vessel within the brain leaks or becomes ruptured
However, as scary as a stroke attack sounds, it is worth noting that it may not be fatal if appropriate actions are taken on time and if the symptoms and signs are recognized on time, in need immediate medical attention. With that in mind, below are certain ways or symptoms through which the body may use to warn you of an impending stroke attack:
1. Speech difficulty and understanding what people around you are saying – a person who is having a stroke attack may start having slurred speeches, may become confused,d be unable to understand what is being said around him/her.
2. Paralysis or numbness of the face, arm, or, leg – a person who is about to have a stroke attack may also experience sudden numbness, weakness, or paralysis on one side of the face, arm, or, leg. One way of knowing this is by raising both arms over the head at the same time; if one arm begins to fall, it is an indication of a likely stroke attack.
3. Problems seeing in one or both eyes – there could also be a sudden blurred or blackened vision in one or both of your eyes and you may also have double vision.
4. Headache – another way your body might choose to warn you of an impending stroke attack is by making you experience a sudden, severe headache which is accompanied by dizziness, vomiting,d reduced consciousness.
5. Trouble walking – another symptom of a stroke attack is a sudden loss of coordination which may cause you to stumble or lose your balance.
Certain lifestyle factors such as being overweight or obese, heavy drinking, lack of physical activity, and use of illegal drugs such as cocaine, often increase the risk of a stroke attack. Another thing that may increase the risk of a stroke is the type of food and drinks a person consumes. With that in mind, below are four foods with high content of cholesterol and saturated fat that should be consumed in moderation:
1. Fried foods
Fried foods such as deep-fried meats usually have high cholesterol, and trans fats, which are inimical to health, hence should be watched or consumed in moderation. High intake of fried foods is also linked to an increased risk of heart disease, obesity,d diabetes, which can all lead to a stroke attack.
2. Fast food
The consumption of fast food should also be done in moderation as its consumption often leads to higher cholesterol, belly fats, and increased levels of tissue inflammation. Its consumption is also a major risk factor for stroke attack as bad cholesterol buildup within the body may block the smooth flow of blood.
3. Processed meats
Foods such as sausages, bacon, and hot dogs are chief examples of processed meats that should be consumed in moderation due to their high cholesterol content, which is especially harmful to the heart, but also capable of significantly increasing the risk of other ailments including a stroke and colon cancer.
4. Desserts
Cookies, cakes, ice cream, pastries,d other sweets are not only high in cholesterol only but also in added sugars, as well as unhealthy fats and calories, which make their excess consumption unhealthy for the body. Their high intake often contributes to weight gain which is a risk factor for a stroke.