Never Throw Egg Shell Away, Use It To Treat These Deadly Diseases
Eggshell powder is a natural source of calcium and other elements (e.g. strontium and fluorine) which may have a positive effect on bone metabolism.
Experimental and clinical studies performed to date have shown a number of positive properties of eggshell powder, such as antirachitic effects in rats and humans.
A positive effect was observed on bone density in animal models of postmenopausal osteoporosis in ovariectomized female rats. In vitro eggshell powder stimulates chondrocyte differentiation and cartilage growth.
Clinical studies in postmenopausal women and women with senile osteoporosis showed that eggshell powder reduces pain and osteoresorption and increases mobility and bone density or arrests its loss.
The bioavailability of calcium from this source, as tested in piglets, was similar or better than that of food grade purified calcium carbonate.
Clinical and experimental studies showed that eggshell powder has positive effects on bone and cartilage and that it is suitable in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Eggshells can be substituted for or mixed with seafood to ensure that enough calcium is given. Don’t wait for your child to have rickets; the majority of cases may be treated early on.
Cavity treatment does not necessitate the purchase of dental medications. The eggshell powder can be used in cooking. Now all you have to do is mix them in with your oats.