10 Body Parts Women Find Irresistible In Men(CHECK If You Have Some)
It is so normal for a man to check a woman out after passing by her when she catches his eyes and just can’t beat the urge to turn around and have a closer look.
But, what about the other gender? Aside being a handsome, rich guy and all mannered, what do women find irresistible in men? When they meet to talk like men do, what do they talk about concerning the physique of a man they saw?
Remember women are beings drawn from men (according to the bible) and have certain similar responses if not all, closer to that of men.
So, I’m going to give you a list of body parts women find attractive in men:
1. Biceps
2. Chest
3. Wide and strong shoulders
4. Tapered Back ( V-shape back)
5. Lips
6. Backside
7. A good amount of facial hair
8. Strong hands
9. Eyes
10. Height
In as much as somebody parts can’t be controlled and others can be controlled, hit the gym often and watch as women eye you irresistibly.