Hon. Gladys G.N Tetteh Speaks On PFMCLT
To All Media House
Below are the address by the Deputy Executive Director of the C LGA, HON. GLADYS G.N.TETTEH at the Launch of the National Public Financial Management Compliance League Table for Ghana on 16th March 2022
at the AMA Auditorium, Accra.
Read Her Statement In Brief
Firstly, Hon. Gladys expressed her appreciation to all for attending the great occasion.
Secondly, She explained the rational for the institution of the PFMCLT to the people.
Thirdly, She said we have to Safeguard our national resources because it is critical for national development.
Fourthly, Mrs. Tetteh revealed that, there have been several reported cases of corruption, thievery and missapplication of public founds at both national and local levels over the years, which to her, the cases are worrying and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Adding that, these financial malpractices are perpetuated with impunity due to the weekneses in our systems.
In Her Final address, Hon. Gladys Tetteh said, MDAs ,SOEs, and MMDAs in Ghana need to be more accountable in the use of public founds to engender confidence among the population to enable them to pay their taxes.