Treat All These Problems Including Erectile Dysfunction With Horny Goat Weed
Horny goat weed is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb. It is also known by its many botanical names, including Epimedium, and its Chinese name, yin yang huo.
As a form of alternative medicine, the herb has been used to treat conditions from hay fever, to atherosclerosis, nerve pain fatigue, osteoporosis, and erectile dysfunction.
Human research data to support the use of horny goat weed is limited at best. However, there is some anecdotal evidence for using the herb to treat certain medical conditions.
Uses and research
Epimedium is a flowering plant that is also known as horny goat weed and is used in traditional Chinese medicine.
There have been studies conducted on cells in laboratories that report evidence of several beneficial properties of horny goat weed.
Early research suggests that it may have properties that can keep bones strong, protect the nerves, and support the immune system.
Other cell research has revealed the following possible effects:
anticancer effects
anti-HIV activity
radio sensitizing effects
reversal of multidrug resistance in some tumor cells
postmenopausal bone loss prevention
Atherosclerosis is a condition where the arteries in the neck harden.
For people with atherosclerosis, a mixture containing horny goat weed may be beneficial and result in improved symptoms and clinical tests.
People with hay fever may experience symptom relief and a reduction in white blood cells that tend to increase with allergies.
horny goat weed and erectile dysfunction
One studyTrusted Source looked at rats with injured nerves and nerve cells grown in a lab. The researchers reported that icariin, the active component of horny goat weed, might show positive and promising effects in treating erectile dysfunction (ED) caused by nerve injury.
ED is a common problem affecting men, especially those aged 40-70 years old. Nearly 20 million men in the United States are affected by the condition, which can have many causes. At times, men may experience psychological conditions, such as depression or anxiety, that may cause or contribute to ED.
NB: Grind on traditional stone, sieve well and drink(3×) daily with tea cup