NEXT TIME: How A Slay Queen Disgraced Herself In A Tournament With Slim Viagra-Client(WATCH-VIDEO)
Im yet to understand, how this short, small and slim-okra tin can make this slay lady suffer and pee Continuously.
Well, in a viral video on social media, a lady, suspected to be a slay Queen and her Sekx-Hunger client agreed to engage in a bedroom commando contest.
The stick of the guy was small but, it seems the over-hyped slay’s tin was smaller.
The game started, within 5-7 secs, Ante Slay begun peeing all over, accompanying with moans and baby cries.
Comments from some people who have watched the video online suggest it was over feelings that made the lady felt that way.
Others believe, she is not fit for slaying with men.
Anyway, Watch The Video Below And Give Your Comment….
I’m man of principle but I’m not allowed to drop it here due to its materials, not everyone is interested BUT, if you are interested in it, pls WhatsApp Me.
NB: The Video Is Very Hot
Thank you for reading my articles always.
SOURCE: filasconews.com/2022