SSNIT, GES To Launch Supplementary Readers On Social Security For JHS, SHS Teachers And Students
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The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) is collaborating with the Ghana Education Service (GES) to launch Supplementary Readers on social security for teachers and students on March 15, 2022, in Greater Kumasi.
Produced by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), the supplementary Readers and teachers manual on social security will be given to prospective students and teachers in Junior and Senior High Schools.
In a press statement copied to Silver News, the Social Insurance Trust (SSNIT) said the inclusion of the social security content in the school curriculum will deepen students’ awareness of social security.
“It will also adequately prepare them to insist o their right on social security as potential workers or discharge their responsibility as future employers,” the Management of the National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).
In another story, SSNIT has said it in a way of punishment will legally forfeit the pension benefits of all government workers including public school teachers who refuse to merge their SSNIT numbers with the Ghana Card before 2023.
SSNIT Director, John Tenkorang explained the importance and benefits of merging the two identification numbers, the Trust official said the integration will help fast track adjudication processes, enabling prompt settlement of claims.
The merger, the National Insurance Trust say is in complies with Regulation 7 (1) of the National Identity Register Regulations, 2012, L.I. 2111 and a directive from the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA).
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SOURCE: Akwadaa Nyame(Silver FM)