Oyiwa: “We’re not surprised by the SC ruling, needless politics controlling our ability to think”- NDC Cadres

Oyiwa: “We’re not surprised by the SC ruling, needless politics controlling our ability to think”- NDC Cadres
Press Release
To All Media Houses
The Gallant Cadres Of NDC
We Are Not In Anyway Surprised By The Supreme Court Ruling
Needless Politics Controlling Our Ability To Reason
Why should anybody be surprised about the ruling? Those expecting a different outcome were only dreaming. Some of us were 100% sure of this outcome, we are not disappointed at all.
This Supreme Court banned the birth certificate, because of one voter registration excercise.
The same Supreme Court prevented the EC Chairperson from being cross-examined by a petitioner over fraud, during an election petition! Now the same Supreme Court has struck down a parliamentary standing order determining how voting is done in the Chamber, just because it wants the e-levy, to be forced on Ghanaians.
I hope that observes and stakeholders in this country, who are looking on and pretending all is well, will not condemn anynody’s decision to protect our democracy, by seizing the country’s future in their own hands?
Akufo Addo’s npp government has its back against the wall, and had to be rescued by their members on the Supreme Court. Indeed, the so called petitioner himself was rented by the government to file this case.
The case was cooked and this ruling was known to the npp side, even before it was filed. Was the CJ himself not in parliament to coach the majority on what to do when it became difficult to approved the 2022 budget?
The Supreme Court judges we have today are not different from Joe Osei Owusu seating as a first deputy speaker in terms of partisan orientation. Their loyalty is to their party the npp, than the state of Ghana.
2020 elections petition is a classic study
Comrade Richard E A Sarpong, Father Casford.
The PRO and Convener 0241906363