GHANA@65: The Fair Old Lady Giving Ghanaians Hot Moves as We Celebrate Independence Day, Amazing (VIDEO)

GHANA@65: The Fair Old Lady Giving Ghanaians Hot Moves as We Celebrate Independence Day, Amazing (VIDEO)
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Today, March 6, 2022, marks the 65th Celebration since Ghana gained Independence from their foreign masters.
It was 6th of March, 1957 when Ghana, through the first Gentleman of the state, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and other heroes such Arkoh Adjei, Paa Grant, J.B Danquah, Edward Akuffo, Mr. Ofori Atta etc. etc. toiled their blood and gained Ghana’s Independence.
And we celebrate the day today, Sunday, a lot of citizens have wished Ghanaians with all kinds of passionate and Goodwill messages.
The unusual one, is what I’m writing about now.
She is called Mrs. Efya Bronii Papabi, the Best Female Akan Newscaster in the Ashanti Region for the years 2018-2019-Forklex Media Awards.
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She has gifted her lovely citizens a very nice message.
In a video, the Vociferous Akan Newscaster with Kumasi Based Silver FM, dressed and acted like O’Lady, so I’ve given her, ‘The Fair Old Lady’ due to her complexion.
Anyway, Ive cooked the food and is time for you to eat.
Watch The Video Of The News Fair Old Lady and her moves.
Now, Listen To Her Strong Message To All
Source: filasconews