Adopt the habit of buying made in Ghana goods- Apostle to Ghanaian youths

Adopt the habit of buying made in Ghana goods- Apostle to Ghanaian youths
The head pastor of Pentecostal Life church International at Amakom Apostle John S. Gyedu has advised the public especially the youth of his church to show love to each other in Christ but rather not to go by the other side of live as the world look forward for the celebration of this year’s valentine day.
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His comment came in as results of the celebration of valentine day on 14th of every year of February across the world.
Speaking to Ash News Reporter, Barbara Koranteng in a phone in conversation, the head pastor of Pentecostal Live worship church ministry at Hafo-Nkwanta Apostle John Gyedu also used this platform to appeal to the public rather to adopt the habit of buying made in Ghana goods like chocolate or flower of love to our love ones, parents, families and other important persons in our live but rather not to see our self’s in other place like, the beach, Night clubs, hotels, pups, which sometimes leads to the destruction of our lives and in danger.
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He said, this is the time some youth also meet their pre-mature death at some of this various dangerous places we go to celebrate such important day.
He said, both parents, head pastors of various churches and guardians should also learn to advice their wards on days like this to help prevent unwanted death and any casualties.
He said, is about time heads of various churches across the country should rather learn to organize important programs like singing and any form of social programs at their various churches on occasions like this to help the public and the youth knows the importance of valentine day in our live.
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Source: Barbara Koranteng/filasconews