
Central Government Should Pay Journalists- Professor Piesie

Central Government Should Pay Journalists- Professor Piesie

Retired lecturer Ghana Technology University College and also the chief elect at Krom – Adwafo in the Bosomtwe district Ashanti Obenfo Nana Osei Piesie Anto has stated that, journalist in Ghana should be paid by the central government to keep them active in their activities.

Speaking with Oyerepa FM/TV reporter Nana Yaw Peprah he explained that, journalists are important as the other three arms of government being legislature, executive and the judiciary and the media is the fourth arm but are not recognized by the government as the other three in terms of treatments especially
in the aspect of salaries.

According him, if a journalist being the gate keeper of the country is being paid by the central government like the members of parliaments, judges and the likes, there will be no way a journalist could be influenced as he or she get better salary.

He called on government to consider his suggestion to keep the media active for the country’s development.

He again talked about the media getting their freedom to operate as the constitution required in chapter 12 and called on private broadcasting owners to threat employees fairly to enhance their activeness towards the country.

Call Obenfo Nana Osei Piesie Anto on 0243232506 for further details.

BY: Nana Yaw Peprah(NAYAP-Oyerepa Fm/TV)

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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