Pastor Marries 20 Wives And Marries His Own Daughter

Pastor Marries 20 Wives And Marries His Own Daughter
A foreign pastor get married to 20 wives and also married his own two daughters.
The pastor of a foreign country who is considered to be a man of God has married her own daughter.
He was sent to jail for doing that and after court released him, he went again to marry his own daughter thinking that the law will favor on his behalf again.
The reason the court released him for the first time is because, the court taught he was the bread winner of the entire family he has created so released him.
The court find out he has got married to his daughter again and has press charges against him.
First charge against him was child trafficking and is now sentenced to jail for his bad attitude he has done against the law.
The man was pressed with two charges. This is a sad news for the family.
No one should be baptized in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and here is why.