I sleep with 4 of my wives each night- Man with 26 wives and 151 children discloses

As he attempts to have more children, a father of 151 children from 16 marriages says he sleeps with four of them every night. Misheck Nyandoro, a Zimbabwean, claims he needs to keep marrying younger women since the older ones worry about having too much sex.
The 66-year-old has no intention of slowing down, and he has just announced that he is about to marry his 17th wife. According to the Zimbabwean newspaper, The Herald, Mr. Nyandoro claims to have devised a timetable that permits him to “satisfy” at least four of his wives each night.
“I go to the bedrooms that I have on my schedule. I then satisfy my wife and move onto the next room, “he said.” This is my job. I have no other job. I alter my behaviour in the bedroom to suit the age of each of my wives. I don’t act the same with the young ones as I do with the older ones. ”
He said this about his older spouses: “They aren’t always interested in having s*x.” Nyandoro claims that all of his wives are content with their lives, but he hopes to marry younger women in the future owing to their higher libido. He aims to have “up to 100 women and perhaps even 1,000 children,” so he believes his 17th wedding will be the first of many. According to the former combat veteran, he “doesn’t work” because his full-time job “satisfies his wife.”
“What I’m doing here is completing my project.” “A polygamy project that I started in 1983 and don’t intend to stop until death takes me away,” he said. “I’m currently planning my 17th wedding, with the ceremony expected to take place this winter.
“He maintains that having over 150 children hasn’t burdened him, and that having such a large family has actually benefitted him. He claims that his children often shower him with presents and money, and that his wife cooks, cleans, and caters to his every whim. My kids spoil me rotten.
They and my stepsons are continuously showering me with presents and cash “he stated Every day, one of my wives cooks for me, but the rule is that I only consume delicious cuisine, and anything that doesn’t meet that quality gets thrown out. They are aware of the rules.
They have pledged not to be offended if I return their meal. Anything they send back should be a learning experience for them.”
From Opera News