E-Levy Brouhaha: Split Telcos charges 50/50 on MoMo

E-Levy Brouhaha: Split Telcos charges 50/50 on MoMo
Immediate Press Release
The Introduction of E-Levy in the 2022 budget has sadly divided the country along partisan lines. The continues
bruhaha in parliament of Ghana has given the country negative local and international publicity and called to
question the real motive of our parliamentarians. As the Chair and Leader of the Convention People’s Party, I
have a clearly worded solution to the E-Levy brouhaha ahead of parliamentary sitting and debate on Tuesday
January 25th.
‘If government now sees the need to tax its citizenry
through MOMO, it is just prudent and a mark of
responsibility to split 50/50 the already exorbitant
1% charged by the Telcos’.
This is the only way the already poor citizens would not feel
overburdened by charging and extra 1.7% on momo
transactions as indicated in 2022 budget.
Government of Ghana through its regulatory mother body,
the National Communication Authority (NCA) has over the
years failed to stop the seemingly exploitative and
manipulative systems adopted by foreign Telcos to rip off
citizenry through their electronic cash flow charges of 1%.
I wish to state that, Government at this point in time must
maximize its stake in the telecom sector and own its
electronic platform to drive revenue and not depend on
foreign platforms.
‘We have the solution to our challenges, what we need is broader consultation and ultimate responsibility’.
Nana Akosua Frimpomaa
Chair and Leader of the Convention People’s Party
Corporate Office