What are you waiting for: Women’s breasts reduce stress by 70 percent

What are you waiting for: Women’s breasts reduce stress by 70 percent
What are you waiting for, come on! If she protests, say it’s for your own good …
We came across one very interesting piece of information. Recent research has shown that touching women’s breasts reduces stress by 70%, which is truly amazing. So men, you know what to do.
Men have always felt the incredible attraction of women’s breasts. There is something in them that constantly catches our eye, and to our joy, we have now discovered that they also have a healing effect. German scientists have proven that looking at women’s breasts for ten minutes causes the same reactions in men as half an hour spent in the gym. When you add more touch, the result and effect are much stronger.
With the help of women’s breasts, stress has been significantly reduced for men, circulation has improved and scientists now recommend that men be “treated” every day with the help of women’s breasts for a few minutes.
As members of the male population, we must admit that we are very happy about this fact and we hope that our better halves will allow us to “treat” ourselves on a daily basis.
Remember, breast size doesn’t matter, each one is healing !!!