Be forward-looking, thanks for the revision- MoE, GES applauded, urged to do more

Be forward-looking, thanks for the revision- MoE, GES applauded, urged to do more
“Change is the result of all true learning” – Leo Buscaglia.
Good news. The ministry of education and the Ghana Education Service has repealed the semester academic calendar for the basic schools after the teacher unions, Educate Africa Institute (EAI) and other stakeholders have opposed it.
We are grateful for the decision to revert to the trimester system. It was baseless to move to a semester system. I urge the ministry to jot down lessons from the mistakes and be forward-looking. Education sector management is far from trying your lucky tactics. There must be proper modalities and consensus-building among all the active stakeholders. Any serious ministry will not take such a decision before engaging the various education stakeholders.
Accordingly, the first term starts on January 18 to 14th April 2022. The second term begins on 10th May and ends on 18th August 2022, while the third term will traverse 13th September to 22nd December 2022.
We, therefore, wish teachers and learners well as they continue their normal duties. The ministry must supply all the needed materials to ensure quality education.
Yes! we are citizens of Ghana. Africa is born in us.
Long live Ghana.
Boadi William
CEO of EAI, Educationist, Journalist, and Motivational Speaker.