Smallest country in the world that onced had a population of 33 people | Check It

Smallest country in the world that onced had a population of 33 people | Check It
Only 33 people live in the world’s tiniest nation, which occupies 6.3 acres. We are all aware that China and India make up the majority of the world’s most populous nations. According to estimates, China has 1.4 billion people and India has 1.3 billion. However, did you know that the world’s smallest country also has a population?
Do you really think that such a little nation exists?
The Republic of Molossia is the smallest republic in the world, with a total territory of 6.3 acres and a population of just 33.This country has a higher percentage of males than females because of its favourable climate, which benefits men in particular.There isn’t a crop that grows in the area because it is a desolate place.There are no paved roads, buildings for schools or hospitals in the nation.The country attracts more foreign tourists because of its modest size.
The Republic of Molossia, a self-declared micronation that is not formally recognized by any international government, was founded by Kevin Baugh (born July 30, 1962), who also serves as its president.Hospitals, airports, and schools, among other necessities, are absent in this remote nation.
The small size of the nation adds to its appeal to tourists from other countries.In addition to not paying taxes, Molossia has its own currency that is made up of ok poker chips. There are also a war office, a bank, a railroad, a post office, and a national anthem.