
Confusion at Juaben Palace as Krontihene invokes the great oath

There was near chaos at the palace of the New-Juaben Traditional area on Monday when the Krontihene invoked the great oath of Asantehene (Ntamkese3) on the Juabenhene of Ashanti Region, Daasebre Otuo Serebuor II.

This happened during a meeting to deliberate on the demise of Daasebre Oti Boateng, his older brother.

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The confusion came about when the Krontihene of New Juaben, Barfuor Nyantakyi Tutu Boateng, challenged the legitimacy of Nana Otuo Seribuo, who is also the Chairman of the Council of State as the acting chief.

New Juaben Krontihene challenges Otuo Serebuor’s legitimacy to act as paramount chief.

According to him, the invocation of the great oath was to object to what he says is the uncustomary imposition of Otuo Serebuo as the interim paramount Chief of New Juaben.

Krontihene had already raised a point of order to the effect that tradition must be followed; therefore, the need to resolve some misunderstandings over who is eligible to be caretaker chief in the New Juaben Traditional area.

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These statements by Krontihene infuriated the chief linguist of Daasebre Otuo Serebuor, who ordered the ejection of the Krontihene from the meeting.

” Take him out of this place. He has been cited for breaching the customs of Nananom, and he should be fined,” the linguist announced.

Nana Otuo Serebuor said the conduct of the Krontihene was disrespectful that he did not convey the meeting to resolve chieftaincy matters instead ensure befitting burial for the late Omanhene and Queen-mother.

He banned the Krontihene from attending any meeting he conveys regarding the funeral of the late Daasebre Oti Boateng and his Queen-mother.

It took Bishop Samuel Yaw Adu of the House of Prayer Church International to calm tempers and pleaded that the meeting continues.

Nana Otuo Serebuor has meanwhile formed committees chaired by himself to ensure a befitting 40- days celebration for the two late royals slated for March 7, after which the date for the burial and final funeral will be announced.

But speaking to the media, the Krontihene of New Juaben Barfuor Tutu Nyantakyi Boateng said he will push for the case to reach Asantehene Otumfour Osei Tutu for arbitration.

He said Nana Otuo Serebuor II cannot impose himself on Acting Chief of New Juaben.

“I invoked the Great oath of Asantehene on Nana Otuo Serebuor II, for the uncustomary imposition of himself as the interim Omanhene of New Juaben, while saying that the same time NJTC issues are not why he came to Koforidua, which to me smacks of dishonesty.

“Because of the invocation of the oath, they insisted that I leave the palace, and for the sake of peace, I left. But this is not the end of the matter; I will push for the case to reach Otumfour for arbitration.

“Nana Otuo Siriboe II cannot impose himself on New Juaben. However, I will always boldly speak my mind anytime, anywhere,” he told journalists after the meeting.

There has been a misunderstanding over who to act as the paramount chief after the demise of Daasebre Professor Emeritus Oti Boateng.

Whilst the Gyaasehene, Nana Twumasi Dankwa, claim the late chief made him act in his absence, therefore, has his backing to act after his demise, the Kontinhene says, traditional customs clearly shows that the Kontinhene acts in the absence of the paramount chief.

In some instances, the Kontinhene had to stop the Gyaasehene, who attempted to represent the traditional council at the Eastern regional house of chiefs.

New Juaben Chief passed on sometime in August last year while the Queen-mother Nana Yaa Daani died two weeks ago.

Some religious leaders, MPs for New Juaben North and South, Nana Adjei Boateng and Michael Okyere Baafi, respectively, graced the meeting.

By: Barbara Koranteng/ filasconews

Filasco News

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