
Good news: Anaesthetists suspend withdrawal of anaesthesia services, return to work

Source: filasconews

Good news: Anaesthetists suspend withdrawal of anaesthesia services

The Ghana Association of Certified Registered Anaesthetists (GACRA) has suspended their nationwide strike.

Certified Registered Anaesthetists (CRAs) withdrew anaesthesia services across the country over MoH’s failure to heed to their grievances.

They effected the strike on the New Year’s Eve, i.e Saturday, January 1, 2022.

But, a released from CRAs today states that, “following an agreement reached between Leadership of the Ghana Association of Certified
Registered Anaesthetists (GACRA) and stakeholders in a meeting held on 5th Jan, 2022 at the
conference room of the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Accra, the withdrawal of anaesthesia services
embarked upon by GACRA has been suspended with immediate effect”.

Leadership of CRAs, by this release, is kindly directing all members to return to work to provide anaesthesia services to the good people of Ghana.

Stakeholders involved in the dialogue were: the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), the Ghana Health
Service (GHS), Medical and Dental Council (MDC) and a representative for the Teaching Hospitals, at the instance of the Ministry of Health (MOH).

A taskforce has been constituted with terms of reference in relation to the concerns tabled by
GACRA and a timeline of six (6) months for the taskforce to complete and submit its
recommendations for implementation by the MoH.

As law abiding professionals, leadership of GACRA has agreed to allow the MoH to see to the amicable resolution and bring the matter to its logical conclusion within the stipulated time as resolved by the

All Certified Registered Anaesthetists (CRAs) according to their Leaders, are cautioned to continue to strictly adhere to the
Infection Prevention and Control measures as they go back to the facilities to discharge their professional duties.

This is to ensure safety in the surge of the new variant of the covid-19 virus infection.

The statement was signed by Mr. James Nwinsagra (CRAs President) and Frederick Kporxah (General Secretary).

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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