
SHS Education: The four years was a good start and better than the 3 years- Lecturer

Source: filasconews

I’m glad Ghanaians are comparing the performance of our SHS students in English and Maths to that of Nigerian students. Nigeria has 6 years of secondary education and we have 3 years.

Have we so soon forgotten that an attempt to make SHS education 4 years simply became a political fight? Did we even allow for the four year cycle to complete to enable for better analysis?

We can’t simply pretend we care without concrete actions that will give us the results we yearn for. Fortunately, we had 3 years SHS students(final batch) and the 4 years SHS students(first batch) all completing in 2013. Their results and performance at the tertiary level were indicative of what was needed to be done, but it was as usual, all talk and no action.

The decision to truncate that young policy even though millions of cedis have been invested in its implementation was out of line. It is however not late to have that difficult conversation. We need to swallow that bitter pill is we want to make progress as far as the education of our kids are concerned.

It should not always be about politics.

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